This event has expired.

Advance registration and any inquiries can be sent to the store at which the clinic is being held.
CAMBRIDGE, 1490 Dunbar Road, 519.622.1970, Fred at [email protected]
GUELPH, 30 Arrow Road, 519.763.5300, Kim at [email protected]
WATERLOO, 36 King Street North, 519.885.4215, Paul at [email protected]
STRATFORD, 36 Ontario Street, 519.271.9102, Lissa at [email protected]


Wednesday, March 6 l 6:30-8:30 pm
Basic Guitar Maintenance with Steve Murphy

Guitar tech Steve Murphy offers insight to the many mysteries of proper guitar setup and maintenance, including restringing, truss rod adjustments, setting action, tremolo systems and more. Learn some tips to help keep your guitar in top playing condition.

Wednesday, March 13 l 7-8:30 pm
Looping and Live Performance with Jacob Moon

Known for his amazing live shows which feature his command of the guitar (often sounding like an entire orchestra), and his renowned skill as a “live looper,” award-winning singer/songwriter Jacob Moon will share some of his proven insight into how to achieve this feat.

Wednesday, March 20 l 6:30-8:30 pm
Working with a Vocal Processor with Emily Barkley & Will Penney

Vocal teacher Emily Barkley and local performer Will Penney will provide insight to working with vocal processors. They will focus on the Boss VE-20 and the TC Electronics Voicelive Play – currently two of the most popular units on the market. Learn ways to bring your voice to the next level for live or recording purposes – just like the pros!

Sunday, March 24 l 1-2:30 pm
Recording 101 with Darin Driscoll

Recording expert Darin Driscoll will cover a variety of topics involving basic home recording. The session is geared towards beginners and will include discussions on handheld recorders, appropriate microphones, interfaces, various software, computer requirements and studio monitors.


Saturday, March 9 l 10:30-11:30 am
Band Instruments 101 with John Granger 

Youth and adult, experienced or newly aspiring musicians – all are welcome to attend this musical demo and department tour.  Wind and brass instruments will be identified and demonstrated. This clinic will cover some basic brass and woodwind tips, as well as common care and maintenance problems and their solutions including that “5 minutes before the concert” repair.
Saturday, March 23 l 1-2 pm
All About the Uke with Kim Logue 

With both quality and affordable instruments available for players of all skill levels, the uke is as popular today as it has ever been.  Enjoy a tour of the ukulele inventory, with discussion about the variables that impact how the instruments sound, feel and play.  Stop by to experience first hand how different wood, body dimension and design affect the sound of each uke.

Saturday, March 30 l 3-4 pm
Care and Feeding of Your Guitar with Gary Forrest  

Guitar players are invited to attend this informational clinic with experienced guitar technician Gary Forrest. Gary will demonstrate the string replacement process, explain basic maintenance, and discuss tuning and adjustments.


Thursday, March 7 l 7-8:30 pm
What’s New with Fender! with Mike Gallant

Fender Specialist Mike Gallant will show us what’s new in the magical world of Fender guitars and amps.

Thursday, March 14 l 7-8:30 pm
Accessorizing Your Drum Set with Darren McClelland

We will show brush and stick techniques, look at the latest percussion add-ons (cajons, djembes, etc.) and examine other tools of the trade. Something for every drummer no matter what your skill level. 

Thursday, March 21 l 7-8:30 pm
Pickups and Pedals with Paul!

Our own Paul Alli will present the various tones and characteristics available with the latest in pickups and pedals.

Thursday, March 28 l 7-8:30 pm
How to Hear Better Without Going Deaf with Jon Jukes

In this live sound seminar we will share loads of secrets on how to get a clear, more balance mix, keep monitors under control and how to use sound equipment in relation to the acoustics of the room. A special segment will compare some of the latest digital mixers.


Saturday, March 9 and Saturday, March16 l 1-3 pm
Microphones 101 with David Schaufele

From a wedding speech to a professional singer’s performance, from the stage of an elementary school, to a home recording studio - a simple and powerful tool is essential in all settings – microphones! This workshop will be packed with technical information, from types of mics and their pick up patterns to practical skills such as mic application, how to interface with a computer and how to wrap cables. This is the essential crash course to get you started (or bring you further along!) in the world of microphones. TWO DATES TO CHOOSE FROM!

Sat., March 23 l 1-3 pm
The Importance of Music Education and Supporting Music in your Home with Greg Sadlier

It takes a village to raise a musician! The adults in a young musician's life play a formative role - from school music teacher, to private teacher, to parent, to grandparent. We are hosting an informative workshop, specifically designed to raise parents’ awareness and understanding of music education and the importance of it becoming a regular part of your household. We will lead you through practical solutions for at home music challenges, such as practice discipline, tracking progress,
communicating with student and teacher, and more.

Saturday, March 30 l 1-3 pm
Care and Feeding of Your Guitar with Steve Toman

You are jamming with friends and your guitar string snaps. A friend has a couple of extra strings handy - if only you had the skill set to string, maintain and support your instrument! This will be a one stop information session providing guitar players with the practical skills of restringing, polishing, cleaning and basic maintenance of your guitar.

Date: Mar.1-31, 2013