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Mel Bay The Granger Collection - Nicholson - Guitar - Book/Audio Online

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- Model #:
- 31104M
Format: Book (Spiral Bound) with Audio Online
Instrumentation: Guitar (Standard Notation)
Now for the first time in standard notation, all 508 fiddle tunes in Adam Granger's seminal collection, Granger's Fiddle Tunes for Guitar, also published by Mel Bay Publications, are presented in The Granger Collection.
This 248-page book is a wide-reaching and well-documented collection of fiddle tunes including reels, hoedowns, hornpipes, rags, breakdowns, jigs and slip-jigs, presented in Southern, Northern, Irish, Canadian, Texas and Old-time styles. There are 508 fiddle tunes referenced under 2500 titles and alternate titles. Over 40 tunes are also presented in alternate key settings. The titles are fully indexed, making the book doubly valuable as a reference book and a source book.
Includes access to online audio by Adam of all 508 tunes, each played once at a moderate tempo, with rhythm on one channel and lead on the other.
Also included in The Granger Collection are descriptions of tune types presented in the book as well as information on tune sources and a history of the collection.
- About these tunes
- How to use The Granger Collection
- About Sources
- The Story of Grangers Fiddle Tunes for Guitar
Song List:
- As I Went out upon the Ice
- Bachelor Jig
- Ball and Chain Hornpipe
- Bally Desmond
- Banish Misfortune
- The Banjo Old-Time Polka
- Banjo Tramp
- Bantry Bay
- Barlow Knife
- The Barmaid
- La Bastringue
- The Battering Ram
- Bay of Fundy
- Bee's Wing
- Beet Pie
- Belfast
- Belfast Jig
- Belle of Lexington
- Bessie Brown
- Big Indian Hornpipe
- Big John MacNeil's
- Bill Cheatham
- Billy in the Lowground
- Billy Wilson's Clog
- Bitter Creek
- Blackberry Blossom G
- Blackberry Rag
- Black Cat in the Briar Patch
- Black Mountain Rag
- The Black Nag
- The Blackthorn Stick
- The Blarney Pilgrim
- Blue Eagle Hornpipe
- Blue Goose
- Blue Mountain Hornpipe
- Blue Mule
- Bobby Shafto
- Bonaparte's Retreat
- Bonnie Dundee
- Boston Boy
- Boston Boys
- Bottle Bank
- The Boys of Blue Hill
- Briar Picker Brown
- Brilliancy
- Brown Button Shoes
- Brushy Run
- Buffalo Gals
- Bull at the Wagon
- The Bunratty Boys
- Burnt Potato Jig
- Butterfly Slip-Jig
- Byrne's Favorite Hornpipe
- Byrne's Hornpipe
- Campbell's Farewell to Red Gap
- Carmody's Jig
- Carpenter's Reel
- Carrick Jig
- The Cat Rambles to the Child's Sauce Pan
- Cattle in the Cane
- Charming Molly Branigan
- The Chateauquay Reel
- Cheat Mountain
- Cherokee Shuffle
- Childgrove
- Chippewa Breakfast
- Cincinnati Hornpipe
- Cindy
- Citaco
- Cock of the North
- Cold Frosty Morning
- Coleman's Cross
- Coleraine
- Colonial Breakdown
- Colored Aristocracy
- Coming Down from Denver
- Constitution Hornpipe
- The Corner House
- Corney's Coming
- Cotton-Eyed Joe French-Canadian
- Cotton-Eyed Joe Old-Time
- Cotton Patch Rag
- Cowboy's Dream
- Cowboy's Jig
- Cowboy's Reel
- Cricket on the Hearth
- Cripple Creek
- The Crooked Stovepipe
- The Cuckoo's Nest
- Cuffy
- Cumberland Gap
- Daley's Reel
- Dance All Night and Never Get Tired
- Dance All Night with a Bottle in Your Hand
- Darling Honey
- La Demelee
- Dennis Murphy's Polka
- Devil's Dream
- The Dingle Regatta
- Diving Six
- Dog in the Rye Straw
- Doheny's Favorite
- Doherty's Reel
- Done Gone
- The Dongal Jig
- Don Tremaine's Reel
- Dowd's Reel
- Drag Her 'round the Road
- Drops of Spring Water
- Drunken Billy Goat
- Dry and Dusty
- Dry Creek Reel
- Dubuque
- Ducks on the Mill Pond
- Ducks on the Pond
- Durang's Hornpipe Bluegrass
- Durang's Hornpipe Irish
- Durham's Reel
- Dusty Bob Jig
- Dusty Miller Bluegrass
- Dusty Miller Irish
- Ebeneezer
- Eddie Kelly's
- The Eighth of January C
- The Eighth of January G
- Elfin Jig
- Ellen O'Grady
- Fahy's
- Fair Maiden
- Farewell to Ireland
- Farewell to Old Decancy
- The Farmer's Jamboree
- Father Kelly's
- Father O'Flynn
- Fat Meat and Dumplings
- Fiddlehead Reel
- Fiddler's Dram
- Fiddler's Dream
- Fiddler's Hoedown
- Finnish Polka
- Finnish Schottische
- Fireman's Reel
- Fire on the Mountain
- The First of May
- The First Sign of Light
- Fisher's Hornpipe D
- Fisher's Hornpipe F
- Flies in the Buttermilk
- Flop-Eared Mule
- The Flowers of Edinburgh
- The Flowing Tide
- Flying Cloud
- The Fly by Night Hornpipe
- Forester's Hornpipe
- Forked Deer
- Fort Smith
- Fortune
- Fox-Hunter's Slip-Jig D
- Fox-Hunter's Slip-Jig G
- Frankie
- Freddie's Favorite Jig
- Fred Wilson's Clog
- French Mary
- Full-Rigged Ship
- Galway Hornpipe
- Gary Owen
- Gaspe Reel
- Geese in the Bog
- Georgia
- Georgia Row
- The Girl I Left behind Me
- Globe Hornpipe
- Globetrotter's Jig
- Goin' down to Cairo
- The Golden Eagle Hornpipe
- The Golden Keyboard
- Golden Wedding Hornpipe
- The Golden Wedding Reel
- The Gold Ring
- Good Ale Slip-Jig
- Good for the Tongue
- Goosefeathers
- The Gramsey Jig
- Grandfather's Reel
- Grant Lamb's Breakdown
- The Green Banks of Rossbeigh
- The Green Fields of America
- The Green Gates
- Green Willis
- Grey Eagle
- Griffin Hornpipe
- The Grove
- Growling Old Man and Cackling Old Woman
- Hamilton County
- Harvest Home
- Haste to the Wedding
- Hauling Home
- The Hawk
- The Headlight Reel
- Hell Broke Loose in Georgia
- The Helseyside Reel
- Here and There
- Hibernian Reel
- High Level Hornpipe
- High Yellow
- Hobb's Favorite
- Hog Trough Reel
- Hollow Poplar
- Hooker's Hornpipe
- The Horse's Leotard
- Hull's Victory D
- Hull's Victory F
- Humors of Ballyloughlin
- Humors of Kilkenny
- Humours of Whiskey
- Hundred Pipers
- The Hunter's Purse
- Huntsman's Chorus
- Ice on the Road
- I Don't Love Nobody
- The Irish Washerwoman
- Jack Danielson's Reel
- Jackson's
- Jackson's Fancy
- Jawbone
- Jaybird
- Jenny Lind
- Jenny Lind Polka
- Jenny's Welcome to Charlie
- Jeune Marie Reel
- Jim Kennedy's Favorite
- Joe Tanzy's
- Johan pa Snippen
- John Brown's Dream
- John Hardy
- Johnny Don't Get Drunk
- Johnny Leary's
- Johnny's Gone To France
- John Paul Jamieson
- The Jolly Seven
- The Joy of My Life
- The Jug of Punch
- June Apple
- Kataroni
- Katydid
- Katy Hill
- Kaw River
- The Key West Hornpipe
- Kiely's Reel
- The Kildare Fancy
- Kingdom Coming
- Kitchen Girl
- Kitty McGee
- Lamplighter Hornpipe
- Lardner's Reel
- Lark in the Morning D
- Lark in the Morning Em
- Lark on the Strand Em-G
- Lark on the Strand G #
- Lark on the Strand G #
- Lark's March
- Lassie's Fancy
- Last Night's Fun Reel
- Last Night's Fun Slip-Jig
- The Laundry Boy
- Leather Britches
- Leo Carroll's Hornpipe
- The Leprechaun
- Liam Brown
- Liberty
- Lightning in the West
- Limerick Lasses
- Lonesome Road Blues
- Lone Star Rag
- The Longford Collector
- Lost Indian
- Lucy Campbell Irish
- Lucy Campbell Fr-Canadian or Scottish
- Madame Bonaparte
- Maggie Brown
- Magpie
- Maid of Ballydoo
- Marmaduke's Hornpipe
- The Marquis of Waterford
- Martha Campbell
- Martin Wynne's Reel
- Mason's Apron
- McGettrick's Reel
- McGibbney's Fancy
- McNabb's Hornpipe
- The Merry Blacksmith
- Micko Russell's
- Mike Maloney
- Miller's Reel
- Minstrel's Fancy
- Mississippi Sawyer
- Missouri Quick-Step
- Moll Roe's
- Monsignor's Blessing
- Morning Dew
- Mountaintop
- Mouse in the Cupboard
- Mrs Bollick's
- Mug of Brown Ale
- My Brother's Letter
- Naked and Bare
- Nellie's Jig
- New Broom
- New Century Hornpipe Irish
- New Century Hornpipe Old-Time
- The New Copper Plate
- Newfoundland Breakdown
- Niagara Hornpipe
- Nine Miles out of Louisville
- Nothing to It
- Off She Goes
- Off to California
- O'Keefe's
- Oklahoma Redbird C
- Oklahoma Redbird G
- The Old Copper Plate
- The Old Countryman's Reel
- Old French
- The Old Gray Mare Came Tearing out of The Wilderness
- Old Joe Clark
- Old Molly Hare
- Old Mother Flanagan
- Old Zip Coon
- On the Waves
- The Orphan
- Over the Waterfall
- Paddy on the Turnpike G
- Paddy on the Turnpike Gm
- Paddy Whack Jig
- Partie du Quadrille
- Peter Street
- Pet of Pipers
- Petronella
- La Piedera
- Pig Ankle Rig
- Pigeon on the Gate A
- Pigeon on the Gate Em
- Pike's Peak
- Pipe on the Hob
- The Plains of Boyce
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Possum up a Gum Stump
- Possum up a 'Simmon tree
- President Garfield's
- President Grant's
- Pretty Little Dog
- Pretty Little Indian
- Pretty Maggie Morrissey
- Private Ass and Cart
- Proudlock's Hornpipe
- Queen of the West
- Rabbit in a Pea Patch
- Raggedy Anne
- The Rakes of Kildare
- Rambler's Horpipe
- Reavy's Reel
- Red Apple Rag
- Redbird
- Reddigan's
- Red-Haired Boy
- Red Line Hornpipe
- Redwing
- Reefer's Hornpipe
- Reuben
- La Reel du Cultivateur
- Ricker's Hornpipe
- Rickert's Hornpipe
- The Rights of Man
- Rippling Waters Jig
- Roaring Mary
- Robinson County
- Rock the Cradle Joe
- Rocky Pallet
- The Rocky Road to Dublin Old- Time
- The Rocky Road to Dublin Irish
- Rory O'Moore
- Rosemary Lane
- The Rose Tree
- The Route
- Run Boy Run
- Rushes and Peppers
- Rutland's Reel
- Rye Straw
- St. Anne's Reel
- Sally Goodin
- Sally Johnson
- Salt Creek
- Salty River Reel
- Sandy River Belle
- Sandy Road
- Saratoga Hornpipe
- Say Old Man
- The Scholar
- Scotland the Brave
- Sean Ryan's Hornpipe
- Sean Ryan's Jig
- Sergeant Early's Dream
- Seth's Reel
- Sheep and Hogs Walking through the Pasture
- Shelbourne Reel
- Ships Are Sailing
- Shoemaker's Reel
- Shootin' Creek
- Shoot the Turkey Buzzard
- Silver Spear
- Silver Star Hornpipe
- Sinking Creek
- Six Penny Money
- Sleepy-Eyed Joe
- The Small Hills of Offlay
- Smash the Windows
- Snoring Mrs Gobeil
- Snow Deer
- Snowflake Breakdown
- Snowflake Hornpipe
- Soldier's Joy
- Soppin' the Gravy
- Sorenson's Rhinelander
- Sourwood Mountain
- Spanish Jig
- Speed the Plough Irish
- Speed the Plough Old-Time
- Spotted Pony
- Star of Munster
- Staten Island Hornpipe
- Success to the Fleet
- Sugar in the Gourd A
- Sugar in the Gourd - Am
- The Sunshine Hornpipe
- Swallowtail Jig
- Sawamplake Breakdown
- Swedish Walking Tune
- Swinging on the Gate
- Teetotaler
- Teetotal Jig
- Telegraph Hornpipe
- Telephone Hornpipe
- Tennessee Fiddler
- The Ten-Penny Bit
- Texas
- Texas Gales
- Texas Two-Step
- The Tin Wedding
- Tom Billy's Jig
- Tommie Jig
- Tongs by the Fire
- The Top of Cork Road
- Toss the Feathers
- To the Ladies
- Tripping up the Stairs
- Tugboat
- Tunes from Home
- Turkey in a Pea Patch
- Turkey in the Cottonwood
- Turkey in the Straw
- Twinkle Little Star
- Uncle Henry's Reel
- Uncle Joe
- Victory Breakdown
- Wade Hampton's Hornpipe
- Wagoner
- Walker's Street Reel
- Waling in My Sleep
- Walking in the Parlor Long
- Walking in the Parlor Short
- The Walking Minstrel
- Waxie's Dargle
- Weave and Way
- Western Gals
- Westfork Gals
- When Johnny Comes Marching Home Am
- When Johnny Comes Marching Home G
- When You Go Home
- Whiskey and Beer
- Whiskey Before Breakfast
- Whistling Rufus
- A Wife of My Own
- Wild Horses
- Williamson's Hornpipe
- Wind That Shakes the Barley
- Winnipeg Reel
- Woman of the House
- Woodchopper's Breakdown
- Yearling
- The Year of Jubilo
- Yellow Barber
- Yellow Gal
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