Alfred Publishing Essentials of Music Notation

SKU: # 305449   |   Model: # 32756   |    Product Reviews0 Reviews  Write a Review

Essentials of Music Notation
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Essentials of Music Notation presents current and correct notation practices in an easy-to-use format. Generously illustrated and concise, this book is essential to any musician looking for a handy reference for the correct notation of music. A most welcome and beneficial source for every musician, whether using a pencil or a computer. Song List:A CappellaA Due (A2)A TempoAccentsAccidentalsAlternating InstrumentsArpeggio SignsArticulationsAugmentation DotBarlinesBeamsBowingBraceBracketBreath MarkCaesuraChord Frames & SymbolsCircle Of FifthsClef SignsCoda SignCourtesy AccidentalsCreditsCue NotesD.c. Al CodaD.c. Al FineD.s. Al CodaD.s. Al FineDivisiDivisi DotsDotted RhythmsDynamicsEndingsFermataFingerings (Keyboard)FlatGlissando SignGrace NotesGrand PauseGrand Staff HarmonicsKey SignaturesLayoutLeger LinesLyricMeterMetronome MarksNatural SignNotesOctave SignsOrnamentsOssiaPedal MarksPickingRepeat SignsRestsScoresSharing A StaffSharpSimileSlursSpacingStaccatoStaffStemsSystemsTablatureTempo MarksTenutoTiesTime SignaturesTremoloTrillTripletTupletsWordsX Notehead

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