NAMM 2016: Line 6 Wireless Audio System and Bluetooth Amplifier

A look at the new Line 6 Relay G10 Wireless system and Amplifi 30 Bluetooth Amplifier.
Carrying on, we have our new wireless system, the Relay G10. This little guy here is essentially the smallest, easiest to use wireless system. Essentially, by pulling this out, it's automatically going to search and find a channel that's acceptable for me, lock that in, and I simply plug it into my guitar. It's got a self-muting system built in, so if I pull it out, it's not going to make any popping or cracking. 50 feet of range on this, you're just good to go. It'll hold 8 hours off a single charge. It'll charge from 0 to 100 in about two hours. Everything you need is right there in the box, just super simple wireless. It's still the same exact quality as far as 24-bit, completely uncompressed digital audio.
The other new product we have this year at NAMM is the AMPLIFi 30. Just taking what we've done with the AMPLIFi family, making it a little smaller. With this, we have a four-way speaker system, so it's still really good for doing playback if you want to just jam along with tracks from your smart-device. Still Bluetooth connectivity from your device to the amp, and the same app as far as setting up your tones and all of your effects.
So that ia basically is the products we have to launch here at NAMM 2016. I'd like to thank you guys for checking out the video. Thanks to Long & McQuade for coming down and checking out what we have to offer. We'll see you guys next year.