Giving the Gift of Music Lessons
Giving the gift of lessons makes a great present for your loved one, no matter their age or stage. Whether you know someone who wants to improve their existing skills, who wants to pick an instrument up again after a long hiatus, or who has never touched music in their life, lessons as a gift are a perfect place to start.
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Musical Gift Giving Made Easy
For many of us, the start of the holiday shopping season is a bit terrifying. So much to do, so little time. And how do you find that perfect gift? You know, the one that makes their eyes light up when they open it? If you’re shopping for the musician in your life it can be a challenge to find just the right thing. But it doesn’t have to be. Your friends at Long & McQuade are happy to help!
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Guitarist Gift Guide: The Essentials
Still need the perfect gift for that picky guitar player? This article has some great ideas that will aid you in your search for the gift that should be on the wish list of even the most persnickety of guitar players. We focus on the bare essentials that any guitar player, from newbie to pro, will appreciate.
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Eight (Holi)days a Week: How and What to Buy for the Beatles Obsessed
Ah, the Beatles. What more can be said that hasn’t been already? If you have a Beatles fan on your Christmas list, and you have no idea what to get them, read on. We’ll talk about what gear the Fab Four used and how you can find something on any budget, whether they are naughty or nice.
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