NAMM 2016: American DJ Stage Lighting

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NAMM 2016: American DJ Stage Lighting Image

An in-depth tour of the American DJ booth and new product lineup, including  the XS 600, Stinger 2 IR, WiFly NE1 controller, the Airstream Bridge DMX, Asteroid 1200, Inno Pocket Spot, Crazy Pocket 8, and more.


Hello and welcome to the NAMM show, 2016 here in Anaheim, California. My name is Edgar. You're checking out Long & McQuade and you're inside the ADJ booth. I'm going to tell you about a brand new product we're showing right over here to my left. We have the brand new XS600. With the XS600, you have a dual-tilting, dual-access moving fixture. It's very exciting. Out of each one of these cells, you have red, green, blue, and white 10-watt LEDs. With each one of these heads, you can actually tilt those in any direction continuously. So you have infinite tilt. As far as the pan on here, you also have infinite pan in any direction. It's enough to really make the XS600 truly exciting.

In the XS series, we're going to have three different models, the 600 being the bigger brother. We're going to have a 400 which is going to have four heads, also red, green, blue, and white. We're also going to have a 200 which is going to have red, green, blue, and white out of two heads which makes for a great helicopter effect. So that's the brand new XS series.

Next, right above me, you're seeing the brand new Stinger 2IR. Very similar to the original Stinger 2 that we came out with a couple years ago, but with this, you still have the hex-color moonflower. So you have red, green, blue, white, amber, and purple. A whole bunch of colors to create excitement. You have the green and red laser which I really like because with or without smoke, it looks just great. If you're using haze, it's going to look really cool. You'll have beams going all around the place green and red. Without smoke, it does some really awesome patterns. You can shine those on the dance floor and it just looks really nice. On top of that, what we did with the Stinger 2IR is we included now those strobe lights to be UV which makes for a great eye candy effect, but also for a UV wash for your dance floor. It's truly an all-in-one piece all at a great price. And with IR capability, it is compatible with our Airstream IR app so you can actually use your app and control which function the Stinger 2IR is doing. You have sound active functions as well as DMX. Enough to create a very exciting light show.

Next, we're going to talk about some of our controllers that we have right over here. Right here, we have the brand new ADJ Wifly NE1. If you're familiar with the NE1, this is exactly the same. You have all your great functions as well as selecting which fixture, color, setting scenes, and actually going through some of the effects that are built in. Now with the NE1, we've actually made it battery-powered. This now has a lithium battery built in which makes lighting completely wireless. If you're doing mobile up-lighting at any venue, whether it's outdoors or indoors, you can now use the NE1 to create some awesome shows with eight hours of battery life. You could take the NE1 anywhere with you. With the NE1, if you're not familiar, it does have a fixture library so you can import any fixture that you have, and you have control of all the functions in the fixture whether it's the color, the gobo, or the movement. For up-lights, it works just great, too. So that's the brand new Wifly NE1 battery.

Next, let's talk about this iPad over here. So here we have the Airstream Bridge DMX, and with this, it's a whole lot that we'll try to cover. Here, you have all your fixtures that you want in a patch. This is in a sense, a DMX controller. Let's say I wanted to patch a new fixture. Since I have these four, what I would do is just click here since it's empty, and you can see we've already included the entire ADJ family into here. Let's say I had an Inno roll, I could select how many I wanted to patch with the quantity here. It gives you a lot of options as far as patching and making that easy. As far as when you have your light selected, let's say I was controlling my hex par, I could go to Channels, and as you can see here, I can actually control each one of the colours that are built into the unit. I'll bring blue down, and if you can see my hex par over here, the blue is actually increasing and decreasing as I'm using this on the iPad. So I'll add a little bit of green and get a nice cyan.

It makes control very easy and wireless with your Apple device. As far as effects, this has some really incredible effects. As you can see, some of them are already here and saved. We'll go to Shape Effects. For all you guys using moving heads, you can actually draw in your own effects. So if I wanted to do a figure-8, I could just draw that in. If I click Run, there my moving head's going to do that. If I wanted it to move a little bit quicker, I just bring the intensity up, and now my moving head is actually doing that. If I wanted a circle effect, I can also do that, as well as move the position of the circle. If I want it directly on the dance floor, I can go ahead and control that. A whole lot you can do there. You have also colour effects. If I wanted to do any kind of ... let's say some colour changing, you can actually see the par. What I'm going to do is I'm going to move this and I'm going to lock it in between blue and this red. Now, you can actually see the colours happening here are going to be happening on the fixture itself. It makes it very easy to control your lights and do some really cool functions whether it's colour changing or moving for moving heads. 

One of the last ones which I think is really exciting are the flash effects. Here, just by scrolling back and forth, I go to Flash Effects, and now I have three tabs here which represent the fixtures that I have. I can make my own strobe chase. If I clicked here, 1, 2, 3, and clicked Run, you'll see that this will do the 1, 2, 3. I'll increase the speed so it goes a little bit quicker. You can see that happening. Let's say I wanted to do a 1, 2, 3 back to 2 and 1, click Run, and now it's going back and forth. It makes some really really cool, exciting effects instantly doable on your Apple device. On top of all of that, you have your effects, your channels, now you can create your scenes. You can create up to 24 different scenes as well as shows. You have the capability of cycling all of those scenes so you're ready for your light show. That's the brand new Airstream Bridge DMX.

Next, we'll talk about another controller we have right over here. Here we have the brand new ADJ Wifly switch pack. With this, if you're familiar with the old American DJ light co-pilot, it was a great way to have on and off control for non-DMX fixtures with a remote cable that went to your lights. Pretty much this is the same thing, but now it is wireless. It's working with our Wifly technology so you get some great range with this. With these boxes, you have eight channels that you can control. You can actually link three of these together so you have 24 channels total of control ... you can take control with this app. As you see here, I have my A, B, C, D all the way to H that I can turn on and off. So now, for non-DMX fixtures such as Vertigos and Aggressors, I can turn those on and off at a simple push of these buttons on my iPad.

As far as setting these up for, let's say you're doing a karaoke bar, or just for some scheduling, check this out. You can actually schedule when your lights are going to be turning on and off. For bars, nightclubs, this is going to be great, because if you have dancing every day, let's say, at 8:00 in the evening, you can actually set this, as you can see, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 1:10 AM. So someone set a schedule there. This'll work with your calendar on your device so this makes it great as a simple install piece if you wanted lights to turn on and off to a certain schedule. That's the brand new ADJ Wifly switch pack.

Next, right over here to my left, we have the brand new Astroid 1200 from ADJ. The Astroid 1200 you can see is a giant moving head. Perfect for any mobile DJ or nightclub even. It's only 40 lbs. even though it looks gigantic. With the Astroid 1200, it has a lot of exciting features to create a lot of very sharp, nice beams in your venue. You have red, green, blue, and white LEDs, and with DMX, you can actually take control of each one of these pixels to create some really nice chases. With DMX, you have also control of the continuous pan and tilt of the ball. It will go infinitely in any direction and tilt as well. What's nice about the Astroid 1200, if you're familiar with ADJ ClingNet, this actually has a ClingNet input and output. You can actually map this to this surface with all your ClingNet going on, and this will act as your map. Very exciting. Astroid 1200. 

Next, over here on the table, we have another new edition to the ADJ family. This is the Inno Pocket Spot LZR. With the Inno Pocket Spot LZR, very similar to our original Inno Pocket Spot, meaning that it has the 12-watt LED source, you have nine colors and nine gobos. As you can see here, we also added a 30-milliwatt green laser. With that, with DMX, you can actually control the speed that the laser's going in and out. With the Inno Pocket Spot LZR, it works great with or without DMX as you can see. It has some really awesome shows built in that'll go perfect to the music. That's the brand new Inno Pocket Spot LZR.

Next, over here, we have the Crazy Pocket 8. With the Crazy Pocket 8, it's a dual-tilting and sweeping bar. With this, you have red, green, blue, and amber LEDs that are 3 watts a piece. This also has some really awesome shows built in. With DMX, you actually have 21 channels of control to where you can create your own chases and patterns with the Crazy Pocket 8. Of course, all of these you can link together, and with the shows built in, they will just automatically follow and create a lot of excitement. 

As far as a large spot hybrid, check out this guy right over here. This is the brand new Vizi Beam Hybrid 16RX. This one already is my favourite fixture. This is powered by the Phillips Platinum 16R lamp. It has incredible output. As far as some of the features, it's going through some of the nice glass gobos that are built in there. I'm sorry, not built in, but it has included. You have 12 of these glass rotatable gobos, and you also have 18 static gobos. So, yeah, that's right, there's two gobo wheels, and get this, with the focus channel, you can actually morph between your glass and your steel gobos. If it's ... just an example, if you had a steel gobo that was a triangle, you can morph into one of these. It makes a very, very awesome effect. With that, you also have two prism wheels on here. You have a six facet and an eight facet. All of this can be combined to create a lot of excitement as well as a frost and zoom capability. It's a true spot beam and wash fixture, all combined with the 16R lamp, makes the Vizi Beam Hybrid 16RX extremely powerful.

All right, there you have it. Brand new products. Very exciting products from the ADJ booth here at NAMM 2016. I want to thank Long & McQuade for stopping by. For more information, make sure you check out their website.

Keywords: ADJAmerican DJXSStingerWiFlyAirstreamAsteroidInnoPocket SpotCrazy Pocket