Granite Percussion
Authentic, Rugged and Intuitively Designed.
Granite percussion is designed in Canada to meet the high standards of quality and playability that are required for percussion instruments in any artist's roster. Lending from centuries of craftsmanship that trace World Music history, every GP instrument is not only inspired but also designed with original old world quality and improved with modern components. Granite Percussion instruments are authentic, rugged and intuitively designed to make them as playable as they are tough.
Featured Products
Junior 5-Piece Drum Kit (16,8,10,12,SD) with Cymbals and Hardware - Pink

Granite Percussion is gaining a reputation for having great products at truly affordable prices. The JR5 Junior set is an excellent example. Everything's there, even the sticks and a tuning key. Just set up and rock on! Complete 5-Piece...
Rototom Set (6,8,10) with Stand

Complete Rototom set with 6, 8 and 10-inch heads, cast frames and adjustable stand. Features • All three drums are tunable by rotating the rim • Single ply clear heads • Heavy Duty Double Braced Chrome Stand...